
1-year Subscriptions and EZGenerator Updates / Templates Access

EZGenerator is no longer sold (since October 2015).
From October 2016 on, existing registered customers keep having access to their EZGenerator registration and templates for free.
Sign in to to find EZGenerator information under the 'my licenses' section.

If you are an existing customer the following applies to updating EZGenerator and on-line template access.


EZGenerator 2 to 4
- You can update from 2 to 4 for FREE. First update from 2 to 3, then to 4.

EZGenerator 3 to EZGenerator 4 - You can update from 3 to 4 for FREE.

Once updated you will have access to further free updates ONLY if you have purchased EZGenerator 3 or 4 within the last 12 months. You will then have access to your remaining balance of free updates and template access to 1 year from the date of purchase. To purchase 1-year updates, log into your MY ACCOUNT and click here.


You have access to 1 year of free program updates and on-line template download for 12 months after purchase of EZGenerator OR renewal of updates.

If your 1-year updates expires, EZGenerator 4 will continue to function as follows:

YOU CAN still make websites and create your own templates AND use update/download templates.

YOU CAN renew your 1-year access at any time and get another year of program updates & templates.

YOU CAN'T  receive program updates.


 posted by   Install/Registration tags:  subscription   
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