
Is there a template design tool, so you can custom design your own template?

EZGenerator works with its own templates only.

We provide a wide range of templates ready to use.

Easy customize:

EZGenerator templates have easy customization options.
No special knowledge is needed for these changes.

EZGenerator allows you to easy customize these template options:
- template image (the photo on top of the template)
- background
- colors
- fonts (style/color/size)
- buttons
- menu / category / page header items
- ...

More options for advanced users:

Radical changes in templates are possible, but it is a specialized and technical process.

EZGenerator includes a template editor, which allows you to highly customize a template.
This can be done starting from the empty 'zero' template, or from any other existing EZGenerator template.

You need to be an advanced user with thorough html/css/php knowledge to make these changes. 

EZGenerator supports import of Artisteer generated templates.

 posted by   Templates tags:  template • customize   
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