Monthly Archives: OCTOBER 2012

Blog comments deletion rules

Since v. there are some updates on the comments deletion in the blog/podcast.

Here are the rules about who and how can delete comments:


  1. Only comments with no replies (last level comments) can be deleted;
  2. Admin(s) and users with "Edit" access can delete all comments (when rule #1 is met);
  3. Regular (registered) users with "view" access can delete only own comments (when rule #1 is met);
  4. Users with "Edit own posts" access can delete own posts comments by rule #2 and others' posts comments by rule #3 (when rule #1 is met);
  5. Guests cannot delete comments;

Print  posted by atanas   Blogs/Rss tags:  comments • rules • blog   permalink
1.3 3

Different administration template

To make online administration looks not like the normal pages (add / remove / edit some elements on the default template), there is pretty simple trick that can be used:

  1. Inside EzGenerator add new page
  2. Name of the page must be: template_source
  3. Folder that contains this page should be: documents (or -root- if some issues with the links appear)
  4. Edit this page layout the way you want (use macros or per page template tab)
  5. upload this new page


Once uploaded, the project will automatically detect it and start using it.

Print  posted by atanas   Administration tags:  administration • template   permalink
3.7 3

JWplayer support

Since version EZGenerator support external audio/video player JWplayer

to use this player inside EZGenerator

1. download player archive from JWplayer website

2. create jwplayer7\ folder in ...\EzGenerator4\webtemplates\___shared\

3. unzip files from archive into this folder


JWPlayer installation folder structure:





EZGenarator will recognize player and skins and will make them available in preset section of audio/video player widget (you can select them from presets list, preset names have JWPLAYER7_  prefix )


4. enter your JWP7 key in EZG4 Project Settings/Advanced/JWPlayer License Key field





JWplayer size, playlist position and playlist size can be edited in player Flash Properties dialog (accessible via right-click button in editor)



Print  posted by miro   Flash/Audio/Video tags:  JWplayer • audio • video   permalink
4.2 5

MySQL support in EzGenerator v4

MySQL support:


EZG V4 can use MySQL for all php features (Blog, Calendar, Counter, Search, etc).

You set your project to either use MySQL, or flat files. You can't have MySQL blog and flat file calendar in same project.

To use Shop/Catalog you need to enable MySQL, there is no flat file catalog/shop.


To switch your existing project to MySQL, you have to go to Project Settings >> MySQL Settings an check Use MySQL for all Live pages and do Full build.


Important: If you switch your existing project to MySQL, all php features (Blog, Calendar, Counter, Search, etc) will be automatically transferred to MySQL, which means data will be moved from flat file to MySQL. So, you will not loose existing data!



What if I use separate database for each MySQL shop page?

In v4 all pages use same database, but each has its own database table.

1) you need to use phpmyadmin panel (this is administrator MySQL panel)
2) you have to choose one database that you will use for your project 
3) you have to export all other databases (that you use for shop pages) and then import the tables in the central database that you will use


Print  posted by atanas   MySql/Php tags:  MySql • support   permalink
3 3

Users Groups in EZG

Since some time users can be grouped so same access is set/edited for all users in a group at the same time.


Important: This works only if MySQL is enabled: MySQL support

To add new group:


  1. Go to online Administration and login (if not logged).
  2. Go to "Manage groups" tab in the Administration menu.
  3. Click "Add group" button.
  4. Give the group unique title and some access. Optionally you can give the group some description (for extra info in the groups list) and redirect URL (this fied is used when you want users from that group to be redirected to certain location after log in).
  5. Submit the new group.


To edit / delete a group:


  1. Go to online Administration and login (if not logged).
  2. Go to "Manage groups" tab in the Administration menu.
  3. Hover the desired group and additional actions will appear. Select the one you need.


To move users to a group:


  1. Go to online Administration and login (if not logged).
  2. Go to "Manage users" tab in the Administration menu.
  3. Select the users you want to move to a given group (use the checkboxes next to each user).
  4. At the bottom of the list "Move selected to" dropdown must be used. Select the desired group you want selected users to be moved to.
  5. Save the changes.

Note: Moving users to a group automatically changes its rights to the ones the group has. You can also move users from one group to another directly (without removing them from the first group). Once user is in a group, personal access right cannot be set to this user anymore. They can be set once user is not in any group.


Note2If given group is removed, all the users form this group are automatically left without a group, but the group access is still acrive for them. So additional actions may be required in such case!


DO NOT USE groups together with protected areas. This is not intended and won't work in any case. 

Print  posted by atanas   Administration tags:  groups • users • administration • access   permalink
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