Monthly Archives: NOVEMBER 2012

CSS3 Gradients

!available since version


with CSS3 gradients you can define background gradients for any css based element in ezgenerator

CSS3 gradients are supported by all modern browsers (including  IE10), for IE6-IE9, only simple 2 steps horizontal and vertical gradients are supported




to use CSS3 gradients,

- select gradient type (vertical, horizontal, diagonal or radial) in BACKGROUND section of css properties  (1)

- by default, gradient use 2 stops (2) (0% and 100%), but with right click on gradient bar you can also work with 4 stops gradients

- select one of the stops (2) and move it with mouse to desired position, selected stop have Red color arrow

- you can change color (including opacity) for selected stop with color selector (3)

- you can see instant preview (4) of  gradient in most dialogs, but as ezgenerator use IE for internal previews, you will have to update your internet explorer to version IE10 to see all types of gradients correctly inside ezgenerator

Internet Explorer 10 is default browser on Windows 8, but is also available for Windows 7 from here

Print  posted by miro   CSS tags:  CSS3 • gradients   permalink
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Grouping Multibox links in posts.

Since v4.0.0.507 new setting for the blog is added: Grouping of Multibox.

Enabled by default (to keep previous blog multibox handling), this option can be found in the Online Administration section of the blog, Settings tab.

When this is enabled, all element that have multibox and are from the same type * will be grouped into same box with navigation to loop among them.

When this is disabled, every multibox element will pop-up in separate box and no navigation among the other similar elements will be possible.


*Different types of multibox elements (image thumbnails, pure links, etc) are grouped separately from each other by the multibox handler. In other words - you can put both thumbnail and a link into same box and navigate through them.

Print  posted by atanas   Blogs/Rss tags:  blog • grouping • multibox   permalink
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Toggle on/off normal pages in mobile view

To toggle ON or OFF the normal pages view from mobile page (when mobile devide is used), use these:


  1. To turn normal (full) page ON: add ?fullview (or &fullview, if not only parameter) in the URL of the activating link

  2. To turn mobile (small) page back ON (full page OFF): add ?mobileview (or &mobileview, if not only parameter) in the URL of the activating link


NOTE: This works ONLY when pages are accessed via mobile device. For non-mobile devices it will simply ignore the extra parameter.


NOTE2: For HTML pages, when relative path is used, adding ?fullview only as a relative URL is not enough. page.html?fullview should be used instead!. Also with html pages normal page has to be called, as mobile pages don't have mobile/normal detection.

Print  posted by atanas   Mobile tags:  mobile • page • view   permalink
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Users Import


This works only if server has PHP version 5.3 or higher.


To import users into your current database, follow these steps:

  1. Login as Admin on the site, and navigate to Users management section.
  2. Click the Import button.
  3. Select the .csv file and click Upload
  4. Page will show info about the file and the first 20 lines (or part of them if they're too long).  Use this information to:
    • select proper text delimiter (char that encloses the values)
    • select proper field delimiter ( char that separates enclosed values. It will be selected automatically based on delimiter in csv file.)
    • if first row contains field names, check the box to indicate this.
  5. Assign proper field to each of the current site fields (some of them may already been auto-selected for you, but make sure selection is proper). If "FIRST ROW CONTAINS FIELD NAMES" is checked and first row in csv file represent exact names of those site fields then matched fields will be Assigned automatically. If first row of the csv file doesn't content names of the fields you can manually assigned each of them with proper site fields.
    • Notice: If you have some coded passwords, most probably they won't be usable in EZG.
  6. Select access that will apply to all imported users.
  7. Import.

Print  posted by atanas   Administration tags:  import • user • users   permalink
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