
How to insert the calendar box (from my calendar) in another page

Insert calendar box using Inline Frame (use this method when adding calendar in template editable area)

  • add inline frame widget
  • define url for inline frame :  http:/  (replace this with real url of your calendar)
  • set height of inline frame to +- 300 and width to +- 180






Insert calendar box using Insert HTML (use this method, when adding calendar on single page)

  • Go to the page where you want to insert the calendar box
  • Select Insert HTML
  • Paste the following code:

< script src="../folder/calendar_page.php?action=showcaljs" type="text/javascript">< /script>


Example: < script src="../documents/calendar.php?action=showcaljs" type="text/javascript">< /script>

    • Open Page Settings panel for this page and go to Scripts/Page Background tab
    • Paste the following code:


      < link type="text/css" href="../ezg_calendar/XX_cal_textstyles.css" rel="STYLESHEET" title="Calendar">

Where XX is ID of your calendar page.

If page is in root, remove '../'.


You can find the page ID number by clicking on your page in EZG and looking right above the page settings tab (top left side) (in EZG4 it's on the bottom left hand side), where is says something like WEB Calendar [documents/calendar.php] [XX] --> that number is your page ID


!!! Make sure to remove the space between < and script/link

 posted by miro   Calendar tags:  Calendar • embed   permalink
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